Express Transport Solutions
That Saves Your Time and Money!

Dedicated express shipment for B2B:

Express transport is a service dedicated to customers who want to deliver goods to a particular place in Europe in the shortest possible time. It is a door-to-door transit, which means that it runs directly from the point of loading to the addressee - without unnecessary stoppages.

Time-critical transport for B2B customers

Express transport is dedicated to all those for whom the delivery time in the supply chain plays a key role.

Automated processes between suppliers

Our platform allows you to plan delivery times, making the distribution process more reliable.

Shorter delivery time

A dedicated express shipping service optimizes delivery times.

Lower transport price

Thanks to effective use of the loading space we minimize the price of transport.

Load optimization

The system automatically calculates the amount of space required and the arrangement of goods in the vehicle.

Quick online orders

Automation of order placement from the customer panel.

Transport up to 8 europallets

We deliver small shipments as well as large goods.

OCS insurance up to €1 million

We provide forwarder's liability insurance.

Order dedicated express transport
for your business needs